Chocolate Chip - Indica
Chocolate Chip
HEX #f6b825f6 HEX #542f11
Primary Colors:Logo
Secondary Colors / Background elements
Explaination: The primary colors used for the product packaging are complementary to the secondary colors as wells as providing contrast. Envoking sense of relaxation and calm.
Strawberry Shortcake - Sativa
Strawberry Shortcake
HEX #841a81 HEX #d8366a
Primary Colors: Logo
Secondary Colors / Background elements
Explaination: The primary colors used for the product packaging are complementary to the secondary colors as wells as providing contrast. Envoking sense of relaxation and calm.
Caramel Apple - Hybrid
Caramel Apple
HEX #6db903 HEX #000
Primary Colors: Logo
Secondary Colors / Background elements
Explaination: The color theme used isn't part of common color themes. The primary colors used for the product packaging is Bold but not overwhelming, complementary to the caramel brown used in thebackground as a swirl.